聖經是歷史還是傳說(Why Dig That Up)

★索書號:DVD 241 4331 2006 v.1-10
★請利用 本館VOD系統  觀賞(校園網域內均可播放)
01.聖經是事實還是傳說(The Bible , fact or fable?)
02.古代災禍(Disaster in the ancient world)
03.古代帝王提庇留與尼錄(Emperors in the ancient world Tiberias & Nero)
04.古代抗爭(Rebellion in the ancient world)
05.古代帝王哈德良(Emperors in the ancient world Hardian)
06.古代藝術(Artin the ancient world)
07.古代城市(City the ancient world)
08.古代貿易(Trade in the ancient world)
09.古代宗教(Religion in the ancient world)


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